H O U S E S O F P A R L I A M E N T | M A R C H 2 0 1 8
Hannah's portrait paintings of Yazidi women were exhibited in the Upper Waiting Hall of the UK Houses of Parliament in March 2018, to advocate on behalf of the Yazidi community.
In the exhibition, Hannah’s portraits are placed directly alongside the self-portraiture of the women themselves in a striking juxtaposition.
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May publicly commended Hannah’s work in the Parliament: “I’m very happy to welcome this awareness-raising exhibition that is taking place and to commend Hannah Rose Thomas and others involved in bringing to the attention of the House, and those visiting the House, the plight of the Yazidi women.”
The exhibition was sponsored by Rt Hon Dame Caroline Spelman MP and Open Doors UK and Ireland.
The full article in the Sunday Times can be read here